Friday, 16 March 2012


so someone found my blog whilst looking for "how to get shiny teeth". made me feel happy,

(i dont have shiny teeth srry)
feel like i am bumping up my blog's shiny teeth relevance on google so going to stop talking about it now. here is a video about having shiny teeth and loving life  

so i went to the train station and the manchester train had been delayed because someone through themselves on the tracks at Hemel Hamstead. Idk if that is spelt right. i keep getting distracted by the noise of my hamster  bashing into its wheel.

People kept saying how bad it is for someone to kill themselves by jumping on the tracks and how they should have done it somewhere private so they couldn't fuck everyone's day up. I dont like or get most people.

When the train eventually got called about thirty people, including me, pegged it to the platform. There must have been a lot of us running because i saw someone's camera flash at us. i dont get it. When i got on the train I sat in the seat nearest the door and fell asleep. When i woke up there was a couple sat infront of me. I think they were medical students. They sounded like they were practicing for a test because one of them was pretending to be a consultant and the other was pretending to have hallucinations about golden statues that sang church songs. The person who was the "consultant" asked a series of questions that went on for about 5-10 minutes and the "patient" started to lose his patience. Then they had an argument over whether the diagnosis was schizophrenia and how in a  real medic test the person playing the consulant would fail because she hadnt asked about the patients mood.

We stopped at a stop and i found Private Eye in the seat pocket. I read this thing Andrew Marr?? had written about the queen. It was funny. I showed it to my dad when we got home. He laughed a bit.

 Next, other things that weren't really interesting at all happened and then I arrived in Manchester. I remembered my phone wasnt working so I was worried I was going to be stranded at the station so I took cash out and waited in a queue at this sandwich place to get some change for the pay phone. This girl with a red bag stood next to me and when the queue moved forward she pushed in. I left the queue. It really annoyed me. Idk I think i was more upset then anoyed. I kept thinking it would have been better to have an arguement over who was standing more in front then the other rather than just being pushed out the way.

I went downstairs to get the tram and one of the ticket people started talking to me. We had a really long conversation. I told him i worked at superdrug. Idk why. It was weird but i felt like i had to tell him i worked. That i actually did something other than a degree in art. He kept saying "So you draw? Doodling all day sounds fun."

Now i am home and Im talking to Rads about how I'm not leaving the house for 4 weeks.
Congrats to me.


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studying BA illustration at camberwell college of arts (1st year) hi how r u
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